Saturday, January 15, 2011

What is Jail Breaking?

For my first real post I thought that I would explain exactly what jail breaking is. Jail breaking though more commonly associated with Apple Inc.'s ever popular iOS (the operating system on your phone. Think of it as windows or mac on your computer. Its the same thing only on a phone.) based devices it can actually refer to any of what are called closed system devices. A closed system device is a device where in which the company who produces the device heavily regulates the software allowed on their device, these devices include iPhone, iPad, Xbox360,Wii, Ps3, etc. Jail breaking removes the software and sometimes hardware limitations that prevent you from running anything not allowed by the company who regulates it.

That's all great and all but how does that help you? Well when you jail break a device it allows you to do things with that device that you would not normally be able to do if it weren't jail broken. For example before you jail break your iDevice you cant change the icons on your device but once it is jail broken you can. So by jail breaking your iDevice you will gain a great deal of functionality that you did not have before. This is why jail breaking is something you should always do to your devices. I hope that is post has given you a better understand of what jail breaking is. If you have any questions feel free to comment below or send me an E-Mail and be sure to check back tomorow later on tonight where I will be discussing the legality of jail breaking.

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